



領収書の発行について About issuing receipts



The payment methods provided on BASE are processed through payment intermediaries, and direct monetary transactions are not conducted, therefore receipts cannot be issued.

Please be advised that upon purchase, you will receive an email that says "Thank you for your purchase"  with receipts specific to your chosen payment method, which can be used to replace a receipt.

保証について About Warranty













※If the product is used under normal conditions and following the handling precautions, we will provide a free replacement if it fails during the warranty period.

Warranty Period: 1 year from the date of purchase

・The following cases are not covered under warranty even within the warranty period

1.Malfunction or damage caused by improper use, unauthorized repair, or modification.

2.The failure is caused by something unrelated to this product (e.g., accidental dropping).

3.Failure or damage caused by natural disasters such as fire or earthquake.

4.If you purchase the product at a flea market or individual transactions.

・This warranty is only valid for use within Japan. In addition, exchanges and returns and returns are only accepted within Japan.

・Shipping fees incurred for warranty exchanges will be paid in advance by both parties. Products shipped with cash on delivery may not be accepted.

・Please make sure the product is free from dust and dirt when shipping the product.

・For inquiries, please contact us through the contact form. We will reach out to you separately via your registered email address.

Please note that we may need to confirm the failure status when contacting you, so please 

leave photos of the malfunction so that we can respond more smoothly.

注意事項 Precautions






























・Due to the fragile nature of the upper part of the main body (soot guard, trivet, glass part), when carrying, please hold and carry the tank part as much as possible.

・This product is for outdoor use only, so please avoid using it in enclosed spaces. There is a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning because of the flames.

・Paraffin oil is recommended for fuel. Using gasoline or mixed oil in petroleum equipment is strictly prohibited, and using inferior kerosene is prohibited.

After refueling, be sure to tighten the cap of the tank.

・Always be sure to extinguish the flame before refueling, and refuel in a place where there is no open flame.

・Do not place cassette cylinders or spray cans directly on or in front of the stove where they are exposed to direct heat. Increased internal pressure due to heat can lead to rupture and pose a danger. There is a risk of fire if flammable gas ignites. Do not place flammable objects near the stove. There is a risk of fire.

・When leaving or going to bed, always make sure to extinguish the flame. Unexpected accidents such as incomplete combustion or abnormal combustion may occur.

・When transporting, make sure to transport the device with an empty fuel tank. If you transport the product with fuel remaining inside, it is dangerous as the fuel may leak.

・Do not touch the hot parts of the device, such as the top surface, during combustion or immediately after extinguishing the flame. There is a risk of burns.

・Always be sure to check that no objects are placed on top of the wick. If the wick is not set correctly, it may burn abnormally and cause a fire.

・When lighting with a match, do not drop match embers near the wick or into the stove.

・Continuous use is dangerous, so please check the combustion every hour. If you notice abnormal combustion or overheating of the device is observed, immediately extinguish it and stop using it.

・Immediately stop using it, If you notice any unusual odors or insufficient combustion from the device during use, or if you feel any abnormalities with the device.

・Do not move the stove while it is still lit. There is a risk of fire or burns due to tipping over or oil leakage. Make sure to extinguish it thoroughly before moving it.

・Do not move the main body with fuel inside. 

It is extremely dangerous if the main body tilts or falls over, causing fuel leakage.

・The parts can be divided into two main parts,  top and bottom. There is a risk of the bottom tank falling off If you hold the top part. Please hold the tank body.

・Do not leave the area when cooking. There is a risk of burns or fires from overflow or touching it without noticing by third parties.

・If you put metal objects on the top plate of the device, it will become hot and the paint on the main unit may peel off.